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Reaping the benefits of DLT and cloud in wholesale financial services

Day 2 Morning

Thursday 12 September

Room :

Fennia I - Roundtable


Mario Nava
Director, Horizontal Policies, DG FISMA European Commission
Public Authorities
Christopher P. Buttigieg
Chief Officer Strategy, Policy and Innovation, Malta FSA
Klaus Löber
Head of Oversight, ECB
Tom Mutton
Director, Fintech, Bank of England
Industry Representatives
Jonathan Allen
Enterprise Strategist, Amazon Web Services
Marc Wetjen
Managing Director, Head of Global Public Policy, DTCC & Chairman of the Board, Deriv/SERV LLC

Objectives of the session

This session will discuss the added value that distributed ledger technology (DLT) and cloud services currently provide vs existing systems in the wholesale financial sector, whether the current applications (or proofs of concept) of these technologies are leveraging all the opportunities offered by DLT and the cloud and if changes are needed in the EU policy framework in order to support an appropriate development of DLT and cloud services.

In terms of scope this session will mainly focus on the use of DLT and cloud services for wholesale financial services (securities transactions, asset servicing and custody, possibly trade finance, payment netting,…).

Points of discussion

How are applications of DLT progressing in wholesale financial services and is the potential added value of DLT technology fully leveraged at present? Are changes needed in the EU regulatory or supervisory framework to support an appropriate development of DLT?

How is the usage of cloud services progressing for wholesale financial services in the EU? How can financial institutions reap all the potential benefits offered by the cloud and are any evolutions needed in the financial regulatory and supervisory framework in this perspective?