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Sustainability disclosures: progress made and possible new challenges

Day 1 Afternoon

Wednesday 09 September

Room :



Ugo Bassi
Director, Financial Markets and Acting Director, Horizontal Policies, DG FISMA, European Commission - DG FISMA
Public Authorities
Frank Pierschel
Chief Sustainable Finance Officer and Head of International Banking Supervision, Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, Germany (BaFin)
Sébastien Raspiller
Director, French Treasury, Ministry of the Economy, Finance and the Recovery Plan, France
Industry Representatives
Tobias Bücheler
Head of Regulatory Affairs, Allianz SE
Ingrid Holmes
Head of Policy & Advocacy, Federated Hermes – International
Matt Lanstone
Analyst, Capital Group
Takanori Sazaki
Regional Executive for Europe, Middle East and Africa, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group

Objectives of the session

Non-financial information and disclosures help investors, consumers, policy makers and many other stakeholders to evaluate the non-financial performance of companies, notably regarding emerging risks.

However, the criteria involved are far from being “universal ones”.

A regulation on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector, will apply in March 2021. The three European Supervisory Authorities (EIOPA, ESMA and EBA) are mandated to further specify adverse sustainability impact indicators. Yet, at this stage EU company law rules on non-financial reporting only apply to large public-interest companies with more than 500 employees (approximately 6,000 large companies across the EU). In particular SMEs and Small and Mid-Caps do not fall under this obligation, despite the vital benefits they should draw from non-financial strategy and information.

The session, in this context, will work out some essential policy priorities expected to make possible the much-needed progress in this area, address the so-called data challenge and preserve the EU specificities regarding ethics, culture and approach to sustainability.

Points of discussion

What are the key initiatives underway for appropriately and timely mitigating ESG challenges and more specifically climate risks?

Should we adapt the sustainability policy priorities notably in the financial area, beyond climate related risks?